Kindergarten Curriculam

The key stage outcome of Kindergarten Education at Saviour reflects the importance of the holistic development of children, emphasizing the need to build up confidence and social skills.

At the end of Kindergarten education, children will learn to share and take turns with others, to explore, listen and speak with understanding. We at Saviour deliver value-based education which teaches them to love their families, friends, teachers and school.

The Curriculum is designed in such a way that it strives for the overall development of the children. This includes


  • Recognize element of art
  • lines (Straight, wavy, zigzag, dotted, spiral, thick, thin)
  • Shapes (Circle, triangle, square, rectangle)
  • Textures (Smooth, rough, hard, soft, hairy, prickly)
  • Sing confidently, accompanied by actions, body percussion, etc.
  • Listen to different types of music
  • Explore elements of art in their art work
  • Mix colours to get different shades
  • Use shapes and lines to create patterns
  • Use materials of different texture to represent ideas, events and personal experiences.
  • Use the voice, body movement to dramatize songs, variety of rhymes and stories
  • Talk about how they feel or what they imagine when they listen to a piece of music

Discovery of the world of Sports:

Sports activities have been given full encouragement. To create and provide a solid base for learning, Saviour has introduced, for the first time ever, a team called 'Jump Bunch' which will provide a unique sport program, which is structured and well equipped. This program, like Jump bunch, will offer a huge add-on to a child's learning as well as physical fitness and develop mind and body skills at multiple levels. Presently, Jump bunch is introduced only at the Kindergarten level, where children attend Jump bunch classes once a week.

To develop positive attitude towards the world around them,

Saviour has introduced smart classes to make children
  • Aware of the importance of responsibility, care and respect for living and environment
  • Recognize their role and responsibility in keeping the environment clean and green in line with our 'go green' concept of living.

Language and Literacy:

Saviour strongly believes in language development which is of the utmost importance in this cosmopolitan world.

Language and Literacy are crucial to the growth of children's thinking and learning capacity.

This includes not only English language but also the mother tongue. Children use language and literacy to make meaning from their interactions with peers and teachers as well as to convey meaning by expressing their needs, feelings, ideas and experiences through spoken and written forms.

Alphabet knowledge:

Naming the letters of the alphabet and recognizing the letter symbols (both upper case and lower case) in print. Various activities like storytelling, rhymes, the use of flash cards, charts, etc depicting letters and other learning tools are being used on a daily basis.

Phonological Awareness:

An understanding of the sound structure of oral language at word level, syllable level, rhyme level, phoneme level, etc. helps them in their intellectual growth as well as learning to communicate effectively.

Word recognition and emergent reading:

Every child is made to recognize words by sight, decoding and using contextual clues. This also includes storytelling, short essay wrting, conversing with teachers and peers, etc. which makes effective change in recognition as well as reading in children.


Numeracy helps children to make sense of their daily life encounters that involve Mathematics at home, in school and in the community.

We at Saviour encourage children to:

  • Explore and think out of the box to solve different kinds of problems in their daily routine by making our children exercise numbers which include rhymes on numbers, oral and written work.
  • Math,sort and compare things by one attribute to another are introduced by providing them worksheets.
  • Putting things in order according to perfect number in sequence is exercised using Montessori learning methodology.
  • Rote count to at least up to 10 at the initial stage then moving up to 500 by the end of UKG.