1.Special attention is given to ensure a high standard of morality and discipline in the School. Guardians are requested to co-operate in this with authority of the school by insisting on regular attendance and punctuality of their wards.

2.Parents are requested to send their Children regularly to school as required attendance is very important for promotion.

3. Students who have been absent from class must have valid reasons, note in their Diaries by Parents /Guardians.

4.Parents are requested to inculcate regular study habits in their children, as this would help them to be free from undue worries of promotion or failure.

5.The School Principal may necessarily advice parents to provide extra coaching for pupil. Tuitions must be arranged after first term examinations.

6. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.

7. It is strictly compulsory that every child should come to school In full uniform.

8. Pupils are not allowed to come to school with ornaments or jewellery of any kind.

9. If the student belong; to SC / S7 or /1W class kindly submit the Caste Certificate.

10.No child will be excused from taking part in Co-curricular activities without a doctor's certificate.

11.The child suffering from contagious or infectious disease shall not he permitted to attend the classes.

12. Speaking English is compulsory in school premises.

13. Any communication request, complaint fees should be addressed to the principal and not to the class teacher.

14. All the School fees and the examination fees should be paid duly at the mentioned date failing which an amount of RS. 25/- will be collected as fine.

15. Students whose dues are not cleared completely will be suspended.

16. Leaving certificates will be issued only to those who have fully cleared their dues.

17.Leaving certificates will not be issued without written application front the pupil and a fee of Rs. 200/-.